The Civil War Letters

Yorktown, Virginia

July 11, 1863

Yorktown Va July 11th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your two kind letters of the 4 & 5 of july and i was very glad to know that you was well  but i was Sorry to hear that Lizzie was sick  but i hope she will soon be well again

Dear Wife  this is the first chance i have had to answer your letters so you must not blame me for not writing Sooner  since i last wrote i have had a pretty hard time of it  we have had no rest since we left Suffolk but have been in the saddle almost day and night  Our Rigement arrived at Yorktown yuesterday and i do not know where we will go to from here.  i have sufferd a great deal from the heat for this last three weeks  i thought once that i was going to have a spell of sickness but we was kept so buessy that i had no time to get sick  so i am just as hardy now as i ever was in my life taking hot weather and hard fare which is hard tack and strong Pork which you know i am very fond of.

i hear that there is good news in the papers  that Gen Meade has wipped Gen Lee and captured a good part of his Army  i also hear that Vicksburg has surrenderd to Gen Grant.  which is very good news if true and i hope it is

My Dear Wife  i have not much to write today  i hope this will find you injoying the Best of health and that Lizzie is Better  i must now close

Give my Love to Jane  Mother and all the family

My Very Best Love to you Dear Maggie
 i remain as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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