The Civil War Letters

Williamsburg, Virginia

March 27, 1864

Williamsburg Va March 27/64

My Dear Wife

i received your very kind and welcome letter last night and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present

i received the five Dollars all right for which i am much oblige  i expect the Paymaster around some of these days.

Dear Maggie  time wears along and keeps getting shorter  it will soon be down to four months

i have no news to send  Everything about here is quite at present  we had a very severe snow and Rain storm down here this last week  we was almost Buired with snow  i guess it is the last snow of the Season.

Spence and all of the rest of our Reinlisted Veterans have Returned to camp and our Company now numbers 114 men  so we have a very large company at present.  i have been Orderly Sergeant Ever since Baldwin left and i have quite a buissy time of it with such a large company.  but it is all work and small pay.  i suppose the weavers and mill hands will all get Rich now making such big wages

but i must bring my letter to a close  Give Lizzie a Kiss for me  if i was home i would give you one

Give My Love to all the family and all inquiring Friends

My Very Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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