The Civil War Letters

Williamsburg, Virginia

February 28, 1864

Williamsburg Virginia Feb 28th 1864

My Dear Wife

i received your letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was well as this leaves me in the best of health at present  i also received the Photograph of my Sister  i think it looks very well.

i suppose there is a great many of the 11th Penn. Cavalry about Philadelphia just now  there is 14 of our company on furlough the most of them to Phila  We have received 31 recruits in our company this last month  among them is Joseph Vanller and a man named Gross who lives in the same street with you just above meeting house lane.  the officers are holding out Great inducements to get me to reinlist  they insure me a Lieutenants comission in less then 3 months if i will only reinlist  but i prefer going home when my time is out and as for Reinlisting that is something that i will never do  i think i have been away from my wife and child long enough so you may expect to see me coming home in six months or less if God spares my life which i hope he will.

Dear Maggie  i have no news to send you at present  we have our hands full of Duty at present but the Rebels have not trobled us much since we have been up here

i must bring this to a close  tell Sister Margreat i was very glad to Receive her Photograph.  Give My Love to all the Family and all inquiring Friends

My Very Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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