The Civil War Letters

Williamsburg, Virginia

February 18, 1864

Williamsburg Va Feb 18th 1864

My Dear Wife

i received your kind letter today and i was sorry to hear that you was not very well but i hope these few lines will find you as well as Ever

i received a very pretty Valentine the other day and i think i can guess who sent it  i will keep you in Rememberance  there is no fear of me forgeting you.  the Paymaster has at last paid us a visit and we received two months pay  Enclosed in this letter you will find twenty five Dollars  there is no express up here so i must risk it in a letter  i expect it will reach you all safe  when you write let me know

tell Jane and Allie Turner that i will send them my Photograph the first chance i have to get one taken

Dear Wife  i have no news to send  i am injoying the Best of health and i hope these few lines will find you injoying the Same

i must come to a close  Give my Love to all inquiring Friends

My best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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