The Civil War Letters

Williamsburg, Virginia

February 10, 1864

Camp Near Williamsburg  Feb 10th 1864

My Dear Wife

i received your kind letter today and i was glad to hear from you and to know that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present.

Our Regement has just returned from an Scout to Bottoms Bridge on the Chickominy River near Richmond  we tried to cross the river but the rebels was to well posted for us so we had to come back without getting in to Richmond.

i expect our Regement will leave this place in a f ew days  where we will go to i do not know but i think we will go to Newbern North Carolina.  it wont do to let us be idle  they want to get all they can out of us while they can but they cannot have for a great while yet

Dear Maggie  it will never do for you to make a Slave of your for to please other people who only care to have there own ends served  they would never do that much for you  the best thing you can do is to please your self and if others do not like it let them lump it  dont never stay up till 12 oclock at night for to cook for any body  you must not work your self to death for you must remember that i am coming home next summer and i will expect to see you looking fine and Plump as ever  but i must bring this to a close hoping that this will find you and Lizzie injoying the best of health.

i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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