The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

September 1, 1862

Suffolk Va Sep 1th 1862

My Dear Wife

i received your kind letter on last Thursday and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present.  last night i returned from a two days Scout out on the Blackwater but we had no maps except just on the Banks of the Blackwater  as we was riding along the Banks of the river one of our men was shot from the other side by a Rebel picket  the Ball passed close to his heart and he will Die soon  we could see plenty of the Rebels on the other side but we could not cross for they have Burned the large Bridge which was at this place  after Scouting around the place for awhile until dark we put up at the edge of the woods until morning  that was Sunday morning  started again at sunrise  Scouted the country and arrived at Suffolk at dark Sunday night  glad to get to camp for a little rest.  as yet our Captain has not joined his company yet  he has got a few days furlough to recrute his health and then we will have him again with us.

Dear Maggie  as yet this war seems to go on very slowly and it seems as if it was going to last for some time  but i hope that something will turn up before long to settle this affair for to tell the truth i am getting tired of this way of living  but i must Brave it out to the last  it is a long time which has no turn in it  and i think it is pretty near time that my luck (???) took a turn for the Bitter  what is to be will be no matter what comes  so i suppose all will end well  at least i hope so

 i would a answerd your letter sooner  only last Friday as i was going to write we received orders to prepare for a two days scout so i had to leave it until today  so you must excuse me for being tardy  i could not help it

i have no news to send you  all is quiete at Suffolk  i was very glad to hear that the Baby was doing so well  i would like very much to see her but i must content my self by looking at your Likeness for some time to come. You must be very careful not to over work your self  if you do go to the mill  for perhaps you are not as strong now as you used to be  but i suppose you know what you can do better then i can tell you

i have no more to say at present

Give my respects to your Mother   Jane and all the Family and all inquiring Friends  and hoping that you and Lizzie are still injoying good health

i am Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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