The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

October 13, 1862

Suffolk Va Oct 13th 1862

My Dear Wife

i received your affectionate letter today and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present

our company have just come in of a Scout to Franklin on the Blackwater and we had a pretty hard time of it for the rain pound down all the time we was out and we was pretty well soaked through  when we got back i was sorry to hear of Poor tom Gordons Death  for as you say tom was a good Boy  but such things must happen in war times  i am glad to hear that Brother John is still alive and well  i have not heard from him for some time and i do not know where he is  but i suppose he is somewhere about Harpers ferry

there is been so much moving about in the Army of late that it is hard to find out where the different Regts are located at present  last week we had a small fight at Franklin about 30 miles from Suffolk  we took two pieces of Artillery with us and some infentry  when our advance Guard pretty close the Rebels opened fire  the first shot they killed one horse and wounded Leutinent of Co A  our company had the advance  the Rebels shells passed over our heads and fell among the infentry in our Rear  our two guns then began to play on the Rebels and kept the fire up for two hours when we ceased firing and Retired  we lost 2 killed and 5 wounded from  what i could learn from a Rebel who we took prisoner they lost 9 killed and 14 wounded  so you see it was a very small fight  but our orders was to go there and try and find how strong they was and then come back and we did as we was orderd with a very small loss. so i think if i never get into a harder fight then this that i will be safe from being shot in this war

i have no news to send  it is a very wet and uncomfortable day for Sunday and i wish i could spend this Sunday night the way i used to spend them with you  Dear Maggie i would give anything in this world to be once more with you  for i do love you Dear and it will be a happy a very happy day to me when this war is over and i can return home to my wife and child  i hope that your Dream will soon come true for i would love to put my arm once more around

Dear wife  i often very often think of you  in fact i think of nothing else but you and our child  and God will yet bless us and bring us togather that we may live many happy years togather

Yet i must now close my letter

Give my respects to Your Mother   sister Jane and all of the family and all inquiring Friends

With My Very Best Love to You
i am Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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