The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

November 14, 1862

Suffolk Va Nov 14th 1862

My Dear Wife

i received your very kind and welcome letter yuesterday  i was very glad to hear that you was well but i was sorry to hear that Lizzie was sick  but i hope she is better by this time though always is plenty of trouble with children when they are getting these teeth  but i hope Lizzie will not have as severe a time as some children have.

every thing about Suffolk is quiete today  day before yuesterday our Divition was Revewed by Gen Dix  every thing passed of well  our Rigement got praise for looking so trim and well

i have no news to send  i was on Guard last night and i have been asleep all day intil just i have got up to write this letter   i see by the papers that Gen McClellen has been Removed and Gen Burnsides has taken his place  i do not know wether Burnsides will do better then McClellen or not but if he does no better then McClellen has done he had better give up the job at once  there has been a great deal of Blow about McClellen but i dont see that he has ever done anything worth Blowing about  this is a very strange war and nobody can tell when it will end or where it will end

we have not been payed yet nor is there any sighn of pay  yet i think Uncle Sam is getting poor or he would pay up better than this  but i hope this war will be over before he is Dead broke

Dear Wife  i have not much to write about today  i am still in hopes that we will meet again soon and i know that we will live happy togather when we meet again  the time will pass very slowly until that Happy time comes

it seems people still get married  i hope Lilly Wilkinson will have a happy time of it  i do not know what sort of a Husband Les(???) Greaves will make for Ann but if they are satisfyed i am

i must now close   give My Love to Your Mother  Jane and all the family  My Respects to all inquiring Friends

My Very Best Love to you
From Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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