The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

June 20, 1862

Suffolk June 20th 1862

My Dear Wife

I received your very kind and welcome letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me the same at present

You see by this letter that i have got back to Suffolk again. Our company arrived here yuesterday afternoon  so you see that we am knocked about the country pretty lively first from one place to another  we was only at Portsmouth one week the day we left for Suffolk again. before we started day before yuesterday i put all of my extra clothing and Baggage in a Box and i have sent them home to you by Adams express. i had more Baggage and cloths then i could carry about the country with me so i thought it was better to send them home then throw them away. in the Box you will find a Hymn Book which i got when i was on the Scout to Blackwater near Franklin  it belongs to a Scush Girl  in it i found a great Love letter from her Beau who is at Richmond in the Rebel Army  i did not pay for the Box so you will have to go or send some one to Adams express office to get it and pay for the freight on it  i had not money or i should have paid for it myself

the things in the Box i want you to take care of for i may want them again some time  but i hope before that time comes i will be at home with my Dear Wife  for Maggie  i do long for the time that i shall be once more at home  and i often think that if i do ever get with you that nothing will tempt me to leave you again. i am very glad to hear that the baby is so good  i would like very much to see it  indeed i am ancious to see her  i would be satisfied for a while when i receive her likeness which i suppose i will some of these days. Dear Maggie  the Kiss you sent me is very exceptable but it would be more so if i only had my arm around neck  for i do not know what there is in this wourld that i would rather have then one good kiss from your lips   Dear as much as you love me i think that i have just as strong Love for You

and Dear Maggie i long for the time when we shall be living togather in peace and happyness  which i hope will be before a great while

i have no news to send you at present  everything is quite this morning  we are encamped just outside of the town in a large meadow  the ground being rather soft it makes a good bed to Lay in almost equal to a Fether Bed

but no more at present  Give my Respects to your mother  your Jane and all the family and all inquiring Friends  tell my Father and Uncle John that i have gone to Suffolk again

and with my very Best Love to you
i am your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Here is one Dozen Kisses for you and the Baby
Yours  W.L

Wm Lancaster
Co. E 11th Regiment Penn Cavalry
(care Major Wetherill)
Suffolk Va

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