The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

July 6, 1862

Suffolk July 6th 1862

My Dear Wife

I received your kind letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present

i am also glad to hear that the Baby is well  i have not received the likeness of the Baby which you sent  i suppose it has been sent a stray and i donot think that i will ever get it now  for it must be lost by this time

4th of July passed away very quietely down here  in fact it did not look like fourth of July at all for we had to do our duty the same as any other day

Maggie  you spoke about that you did not like to spend my money  i want you to know that what ever is mine in this world is also yours  so therefore it is as much your money as it is mine  but however do whatever you think is best for us boath  for perhaps i may live to come home again at last  i hope so and Dear Maggie i cannot think of anything else but you  and Dear Maggie i do Love you Dearer that i ever did and i always have loved you since i first saw you though you may not think so. but it is true.

i have no news to send you  yuesterday our company was out on a Scout but we came across nothing of interest. all attention seems to be Directed towards Richmond  we have been under marching orders ever since we have been here but as yet we have made no move  we are at present under the command of Gen Mansfield  there is two companys of us Cavalry  our Company E and Company A of our Rigement  our company is getting Rather small  when we left Philadelphia last September we had 92 enlisted men and 3 commissioned officers  we have now but 64 men and 2 commissioned officers  so you see we have lost 28 men  some have died from Desase  some have Deserted  the rest have been Killed and taken prisoners  among the prisoners is our Captain Davidson  so you see our company has been pretty well reduced down  but we are a good fighting company yet as you will hear if we get into another fight

My Dear Wife  i have no move to say at present  i am well and hardy and i hope this will find you the same  and i hope that Lizzie is doing well  You must Kiss the child for me

Give my Best respects to my Father and his family and all inquiring Friends  Your Mother  Jane and all of the family

And with my Most Sencere Love To You
I Am Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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