The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

June 10, 1862

Suffolk June 10th 1862

My Dear Wife

I received your kind letter of June the 6th and i was very glad to hear that you where in good health as it leaves me at present

i have just returned from a three days Scout  we started from Suffolk at Daylight on Saturday morning and we Scoured the country as far as the town of Winsor Va where we came across a Rebel colonol and several other men who we took prisoners  after we had serched the town we started again through the country but found no Rebels who we was in search of

about Dusk we came across a large country Church where we halted for the night  About five minutes after we had halted and tied out horses to the trees in the woods there came such a thunder shower of Rain as is only seen in Virginia. So we took shelter in the Church and after the Rain was over we fed our horses and put out pickets and guards on the Different Roads  i turned in the Church and layed in one of the Pews of the Church where i sleeped sound until about 3 oclock on Sunday morning when we was aroused up to feed our horses and get some Breakfast  and at Daylight we was of on the Road again

On Sunday we traveled to the town of Blackwater on the Blackwater River  this is the place where the Rebel cavalry crossed after they had taken our men  after we had got in the town we went to the ferry and Distroyed the ferry Boats and everything which people could cross the River by  from this place we went to the town of Southquay and cut the ferry Boats all loose and sent them Down the river  So you see in what way we keep the Sabbath Holy

after we left Southquay we traveled some ten miles through the country and by this time it was dark and Raining  so we halted for the night tied our horses in the woods and made our beds on the Bare ground under the trees  i sleeped very Sound considering that i was both wet and cold  next morning having nothing to eat i went to a farm house and Bought some Corn Cake on which i made My Breakfast. after i had finished my Breakfast i was in the saddle and of again  we reached Suffolk about Dark on Monday night

Dear Wife  i have not much more to say  today is a cold Rainey wet day  we are now encamped in the fair ground just on the outscirts of the city. we was payed off about one week ago but i have no means of sending the money home to you  the mail does not run from hear yet and we have to send our letters to Norfolk before they are posted

the last letter but one i wrote to you i asked you to send me some Postage Stamps but i suppose that you did not receive the letter or i should have received the stamps

in your letter you mention that you have sent me our childs likeness but as yet i have not received nothing but your letter of Yuesterday  when you write again please send me some Postage Stamps for i cannot get any at this place for Love or money  so if you want any more letters from me you must send me some Postage Stamps  this is all i have to say at present  give my respects to Sister Jane and your Mother and all inquiring friends

And with my Very Best Love to you i am
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

I will send you some money as soon as i can with safety  
Adams express Does not run from this place and it is not safe to send money in a letter. but i will send it as soon as i can with safety
W. Lancaster

Direct Your Letter

William Lancaster
Co. "E" 11th Regt Penn Cavalry
Suffolk. Virginia
(care Major Wetherill)

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