The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

June 10, 1863

Suffolk Va June 10th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received one letter from you yuesterday and another today  i was very glad to hear that you was well as this leaves me at present.  when i wrote to you last i thought that you had not received my letters but being that you have received them i will continue to Direct them as usal.  the last one i wrote i directed in care of my Uncle  i suppose you have got it by this time  there was $25.00 inclosed in it.

 i am very sorry for the Disappointment it must have been to you at me not coming home  Dear Wife i would have loved to have seen you and our child but i must make the most of my ill luck.  in about 13 months my term of inlistment will expire and then i will be once more a free man and if any one knows me to enlist again i hope they take me for a Greeny.  i will know better how to value my Liberty in the future.

My Dear Wife  i was very sorry to hear that Lizzie was sick again but i hope she will get well and live for i hope to see her when i come home

i have no news to send  everything about Suffolk is quite to day  but we have plenty of excitement sometimes

in your last letter i received 8 Postage Stamps

i have no more to add at present

Give My Love to your Mother  Jane and all the Family

My Most Sincere Love to you My Dear Wife   i remain as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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