The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

June 19, 1863

Suffolk Va June 19th 1863

My Dear Wife

i have just returned from a Scout  we was out on the Blackwater 6 days  we had a pretty hard time of it while we was out  the weather was so very hot.

i received Both your letters and i am glad to hear that you are  i also received a lock of your Hair and Lizzies and i think it is very pretty.  i hope you will have good luck with her this summer for i would not like to loose her

Dear Maggie  i have nothing new to send you  if i should want anything i will be sure to let you know  i do not think that i will want anything this summer but what i can get hear.  Dear Wife  in your letter you spoke about coming to Suffolk in the fall if i am here at that time to see me.  but you must not come to Suffolk for it is not the place for a respectable woman to live any place in Suffolk  for nobody lives in Suffolk except Negros and Fancy Women  so you see you do not know so much about Suffolk as i do  Dear Wife i would love very much to see and next winter  if i do not get a Furlough when we go into Winter Quarters i will have a place fixed so that you can come and see me and stay a couple of months which will be a great deal better then if you was to come to Suffolk in the fall  for as long as the weather and roads are good we are very little in camp  so you had better pospone your visit until winter when i will have more time in camp

During our Scout we had some skirmishing with the Rebels  in one Fight two men of our company was shot  one through the arm and the other had his leg so badly shot that it had to be cut off.

My Dear Wife  i have no more to add at present

Give my love to Jane  your Mother and all the Family

My Very Best Love to you My Dear Wife
 i am as ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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