The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

March 27, 1865

Camp 11th Pa Cavalry
March 27th 1865

My Dear Wife

I have packed all of my Baggage and good Cloths in my trunk and I have Sent them by Adams Express.  I Directed it to John Lancaster  Lancaster Pike above Logen Street  West Phila .  I thought that the Express Company would find his house easer then he would find yours.  I have just now wrote a letter to uncle John informing him about it

it may be a week or two before it reaches West Philada on account of the Company being so very busy just now.  and if they reach home I Know that they will be Safe.  nearly all of the things I brought with me from home I had to put them in my trunk and send them home again  My fancy Bridle & Breast Strap.  Shaving case  Some of my towels  all of my good cloths and also my two new Shirts.  When I come to look over my trunk I found that I had two pretty good Shirts  So I thought I would Save them that you made for me and wear out my old ones first.  When I Send my next letter I will Send the Key of the trunk so that you can open it and Keep the things all right and if I want them again next fall I can Send for them.  If I am not home my Self which I hope to god I will.

I have also Sent you by Adams Express $50.00 fifty dollars.  and you will have to call at Adams Express Office for it sometime when you are in town.  You will find the check inclosed in this letter

You will also find the Key of my trunk.  if the trunk is not home in a week or two you might Send to the express office and inquire if there was one there addressed to John Lancaster

My Dear Wife  I must bring this letter to a close  you will think it is a business letter but evrything about here is excitement.

I have been made Captain of Co "E" Since I came back.  this is all I have to Say at Present.

Give my love to Lizzie  Jane  Mother and all the Family

Capt Wm Lancaster
11th Pa Cavalry
Bermuda Hundred  Va

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