The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

November 21, 1864

Camp 11th Pa Cav.
Nr. Richmond Va
November 21st 1864

My Dear Wife

i write to inform you that I am Still injoying good health and I hope these few lines will find you injoying the Same Blessing

Enclosed you will find $(50) one fifty dollar note.  and when you write Please let me know that you have received it Safe.  i think that it is jus as safe to send money Carefully folded by mail as it is by Express

it is very wel and disagreble to day. and rather hard on Soilders. Especialy the 11th Pa Cavalry. for we have so much duty to proform that we have not time to injoy what good wether there has been this fall.  if there is anything done in the Army of the James the Eleventh have a big share  Butler forces are now called the Army of the James.  and of course now belong to Butlers Army.  but no more of milatary affairs

i hope this will find My Dear Wife and Child happy and comfortable.  and God will comfort me for with all the Exposure and Hardships i have Sufferd for this last 3 years  i never was in the injoyment of better health nor as good when i was home.  and who must i thank but God for his many Blessings and the Great Mercy he has shown to me by sheilding and Protecting me from all the Bullets and Shells of the Enemy.

 Dear Wife god has So far Answerd your Prayers for my Safty and i shall always fell safe as long as i have a loveing Wife to Pray for me.  Perhaps you will think i am getting religious or Pious.  but no i am the Same in every sense of the word as i was when i left West Philadelphia over three years ago

Remember me Kindly to Mother  Jane  Rose  Annie  Marthat & Lizzie.  Give my Best Respects to all inquiring friends

My Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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