The Civil War Letters

Prince George, Bermuda Hundred, Virginia

August 18, 1864

Jones Landing  James River
Aug 18. 64

My Dear Wife

I write to inform you that i have Returned to duty  i arrived up hear last night.  I hope you will not be much Disapointed at me not coming home.  tomorrow i shall join my Regt which is on duty near Prince George Courthouse on the left of Grants Army.  the Dismounted Portion of our Regt are camped at this Place  So tomorrow i shall go out and take command of my company

 i Expect Wm Hall and Tom McClintock will Reach home by next tuesday  they will be musterd out on Saturday.  i will send you by Wm Hall ten dollars in Silver and i have lent him five dollars which he will give to you

Dear Maggie  i will say nothing about my Disapointment in not receiving my leave of absence but i will say i am in good spirits and i hope this will find you the Same and Gods will be done.  perhaps it is all for the Best.

I hope that Lizzie is much Better by this time  i should be very sorry indeed to loose her now and if She lives and i should get Killed you will have Something to Remember me by

Brother Williams time expires on Saturday and i only wish he was here to receive his Discharge So that least one of us could come home to cheer the home that must be lonesome without us.  but i hope that this dark cloud will not hang over us forever  there may be Happyness in store for us yet  it is never so dark as just before the dawn and that may not be as far of as we think for

i must bring this to a close hoping this will find you and Lizzie injoying the Best of health  Give my kind love to Mother  Jane and all the family

My Very Best Love to you and our Child
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

Lieut Wm Lancaster
Co E. 11th Pa Cavalry
Bermuda Hundred  Va

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