The Civil War Letters

Portsmouth, Virginia

April 16, 1864

Portsmouth Va April 16th 1864

My Dear Wife

i have just Returned from my (3) days Scout all Safe and Sound and i hope these few lines will find you and Lizzie injoying the Best of health

Dear Maggie  you must not be down about me being in for three moore years.  you must know that though my Comission is dated for (3) more years i have the Privalage to Resighn  so i am not as an enlisted man bound.  if i get tired of the Service i can put in my Resignation and come home.

i had a note sent to me this Evening from Adams Express office telling me that there was a Valuable Package for which i was to call for  So the money is Safe.   i forgot to Mention Sooner that i received your letter with the Check in it.

and Dear Maggie  i am Very Sorry that i have been the cause of you haveing so much misery  i never thought when i married you that i should have caused you one tenth the misery i have.  you must not blame me for excepting my appointment for i have been a good Soilder for nearly three years and i Deserved Promotion  and when it was offered to me i could not refuse for i would Do anything to get out of the Ranks

Dear Wife  be of Good cheer if i am not home for good this Summer  i Will be home on leave of absence so it may not be a grate while before you may see me.  i must now come to a close  Remember me to Lizzie  Give my Love to all the family

My Very Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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