The Civil War Letters

Gettys Station, Virginia

September 22, 1863

Gettys Station Va  Sept 22d 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your kind letter today and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present

Dear Wife  i am looking forward to the time of the expirement of my term of Enlistment as anciously as you are and i hope it will be a short Eleven months for i would Dearly love to come home and see you and our child  i very often think of the Happy times we use to have togather and the many plesent Sunday afternoons we have spent togather  and i hope we shall both live to injoy a long life of such plesure

Dear Maggie  i know you must be lonesome sometimes and time must go slow with you  but you must keep up a good Cheerful heart for there is a good time coming when we shall both be repaid for our past suffering  with me i am never lonesome for we have a great deal of traveling and Scouting to do and every now and then we have a sharp skermish with the enemy which always tends to keep up the excitement and make time pass quickly by.

i have nothing new to write today  everything is quite at present  our company have been buissy all this week putting up sheds for our horses and i think it is quite likely we will stay about Portsmouth this Winter

i must now close  Give my Love to all the Family

 My Very Best Love to you
 i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Your Brother William is in the Best of health but has not got his Furlough yet

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