The Civil War Letters

Gettys Station, Virginia

November 25, 1863

Gettys Station Va  Nov 25th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your kind letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present

i have no news to send today.  i expect that we shall be paid in a day or two  there is some talk of our Battalion of 4 companys going to Suffolk for a month or two but i do not know for sure that we will go.  in your last letter you said you was going to send me a Box for Christmas.  but there is so much troble getting boxes at this place  evry Box that comes is opned by the Provost Marshal at Fort Monroe and if there is any Liquor found in the Box it is seized by the Guard  so you had better not send the Box for i do not like to have anything of mine mauled over by a lot of Guards and perhaps never get it at all  i can get along very well without anything extra for this is my last Christmas in Uncle Sams service  so remember  dont give yourself any troble about a Box for i will make out firstrate without one

My Dear Wife  i have not much to say today  everything is quite about here at present.  Give My Love to your Mother  Jane and all the family  sister Margreat

 My Very Best Love to you
 i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

P.S.  please send me some postage Stamps when you write again.  i owed 4 stamps and when i paid my Debt i had but three left.
Yours  William Lancaster

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