The Civil War Letters

Barnards Mill, Virginia

December 10, 1863

Barnards Mill Va  Dec 10th 1863

My Dear Wife

i wrote a letter to you the day before i left Portsmouth which was two weeks ago yuesterday and as yet i have received no answer  perhaps you have not received the letter or it may have gone astray though it was Directed the same as all the other letters i have sent to you  the day after i wrote the letter we received our pay and on the same Evening our Battalion was orderd to this place to do Picket duty for 30 days.  i did not have time to send my money home before we come up here and i do not think it safe to send any from here so i will have to wait until we are relived which will be about Christmas.  Your Brother William did not come out with us this time  he had a sore foot and had to stay in camp  i suppose he has wrote home since i left camp

i told you in my last letter that you must not send me a Box at Christmas for if you do i will not be able to get it for it will be New Year Before i get Back to camp  dont send me any box at all for it will be more bother than it will be worth.  When you write again Please send me some Postage Stamps for the last one i have got is on this letter.

Dear Maggie  i have no more to add today  i hope you will write soon and let me know if you received my letter.  Direct your letter as usal to Portsmouth

Give My Love to your Mother  Jane and all the Family  Sister Margreat.

 My Best Love to you
 i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
W Lancaster

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