The Civil War Letters

Gettys Station, Virginia

November 10, 1863

Gettys Station Virginia  Nov 10th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your very kind and welcome letter this afternoon and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health and spirits as it leaves me injoying the same at present

i was just relieved from Picket this morning.  we have had quite a sharp frost for this last few nights and it begins to look very much like winter down here  now if this winter was over it would not be long until August would come round and then i will be once more at home no more to leave it.  i suppose you will hear or see Bill Hall  he is home on a (10) days furlough.  Dear Wife  i am very glad to hear that you are of such good cheer  i hope nothing will happen for these next 9 months to mar our happyness  i hope that if you succeed in getting that old Lady you speak of that she will turn out to be a very nice old Woman and then i think you will get along very well with Gods help

My Dear Wife  i have no news to send  i received the two Postage Stamps and also the india ruber for my pocket Book  i must now close

Give My Love to Margreat  your Mother  Jane   and all the family

 My Very Best Love to You My Dear Wife
 i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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