The Civil War Letters

Gettys Station, Virginia

October 17, 1863

Gettys Station Va  Oct 17th 1863

My Dear Wife

this is the first oppertunity i have had of writing to you since i left home  we arrived in camp on last Sunday afternoon and on Monday our Rigement was ordred on a Scout to North Carolina  so i have just arrived last night from our North Carolina Scout  they did not give me much time to rest  Your Brother William did not go on the Scout  So i suppose when he wrote to your Mother he would let you know the reson why i did not write.  i received my pay to day and inclosed in this letter you will find twenty five Dollars

My Dear Wife  i have not much to say  i am in the best of health and i hope this will find you and Lizzie injoying the Very Best of health

i must close  Give My Love to your Mother  Jane  Sister Margreat and all the Family

 My Very Best Love to you My Dear Wife
 i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Write and let me know that you have received the money

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