The Civil War Letters

City Point, Virginia

May 19, 1864

11th Pa Cavalry  W City Point Va
May 19th 1864

My Dear Wife

i take this first oppertunity of writing to you since i left Portsmouth to let you know that i am still well and in the Best of health and i hope these few lines will find you injoying the same blessing  i received both of your very kind and affectionate letters last night and i was very glad to get them.

Dear Maggie  we have had a hard time of it since i last wrote.  we left Portsmouth in the morning of the 5 of May and from that day to yuesterday when we arrived at this place we have been in the Saddle 20 hours out of 24 every day and some days as many as 3 fights  we traveled all through the South and western Part of Virginia and cut all of the Railroads Running south from Richmond  captured a great many Prisoners  killed and wounded a large number of them  we also lost our share of killed and wounded  our company lost 1 killed and two Badley wounded  as usal i came of fortunate as i received no injury at all.

i am glad to hear that you are at home again  it will be a great deal easyer for you then Keeping Boarders  it is no use for you to make a Slave of your Self for other folks that will not thank you for it  but i hope this Summer will bring the war to an end so that i can return to my Dear Wife and Child.

we may leave this to day or we may rest for a day or two for the horses are pretty well tired out after these long marches  but we dont expect much rest this Summer  i expect that we shall have to keep the Kettle Boiling for the next 4 or 5 months

Dear Wife  i will have to bring this to a close  i do not know when i shall be able to write again but in case you should not receive any letter from me for any length of time you must not be uneasy for i have no way of sending letters when we are in the Enemys lines.  but i will be sure to write as often as circumstances will Permit  So no more at present

Remember me to all the family  Brother William is well

Give My Love to our Daughter

My Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

Direct your letters to Portsmouth as usal

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