The Civil War Letters

Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Virginia

July 8, 1864

Chesapeake Hospital
July 8th 1864

My Dear Wife

I received your two letters yuesterday  i am Sorry to hear that you are not well  i hope you will live to injoy good health and a long life yet

Dear Maggie  i will be home for Sure next August or September  it may be September before i get home though my time is up on the 21st of August.

Dear Wife  the losses in our Regt are not half so bad as you have been informed  though the first lot that came in was small  only about 250 men but a few days after there was about 200 more of our Regt came in and i dont know but what Brother William may have come in with the Second lot  but if he has he will have Wrote to your Mother by this time

the adjintent of our Regt came to the Hospital yuesterday to see me and he says the total loss of our Regt now is 200 Killed and missing and Prisoners.  So you see the 11th is not Played out yet

i cannot find out wether William came in with the Second lot or not but i hope he did for it is no Plesent thing to be a Prisoner in the hands of the Rebels.

i am getting along very well  i will soon be all right again  i hope this letter will find you in much better Spirits and health then when you wrote on the fourth of July  i must now close  Remember me to all the family

My best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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