The Civil War Letters

Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Virginia

July 14, 1864

Chesapeake Hospital
July 14th 1864

My Dear Wife

I received your letter of the 10th today and also the Sunday Dispatch.  i also had a letter from the Company the other day.  our loss in Prisoners was William corp Spence Rich and Wilcox and Seven Privates.  our Killed was Sergt Ellis Privates Davis and Gross.  i expect that William and the rest of the Prisoners will be Paroted or Exchanged before a great while and then all will be well again.  it is no use being downhearted about it.  such things will happen in time of war and we have to put up with them

i am getting along firstrate here in the Hospital.

Dear Maggie  i hope this letter will find you in better Spirits then when you wrote last.  it will never do to be down hearted.  try and be cheerful and happy and God will deliver your Brother from his enemy.  i must bring this to a close  Remember me Kindly to Jane  Mother and all the family

My Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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