The Civil War Letters

Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Virginia

June 29, 1864

Chesapeake Hospital
June 29th 1864

My Dear Wife

I received one letter from you yuesterday and also one today  the one i received today had Roses Picture in it.  She looks very well and i was very glad to have it.  i see by your letter today that Bill Lancaster has married.  that is what i call doing a big buissness


Dear Maggie  i am glad to hear that i have some few friends to inquire after me  as for my Relations i have give them up long ago  all except one and that is my cousin William who is Hospital Steward in the 82d Regt  the same Regt my Brother John Served in  i often receive letters from him and he is the only Lancaster that i have any correspondence with Except occationily i have a letter from my Father.  i suppose it would make little difference to the rest to know wether i was dead or alive  but i generally Pay such back in there own coin  i consider myself as good as any of them and if there is any (unclear) i claim that i am a little better  i suppose there has been none of the (missing) to inquire (missing) present for i am not at (missing) with them.

My wound is doing firstrate and is healing up very fast  i never told you the particulars about my wound.  it was on the 15th and our Regt had advanced within a few miles of Petersburg when we came across a strong force of Rebels in entry in the woods and about 1 mile to the rear of them  they had a line of Brest Works with five guns  as soon as they commenced firing on us the General orderd 200 men and 3 officers to dismount leave there horses back with the Regt and advance and drive the Reb infantry from the woods  i was one of the officers to go with the Party.  we advanced and fought and drove the Rebs on a full Run  a Regular foot chase right into there Brestworks but we had not force enough to follow them into there Works  So we halted about 500 yards from there Works when they fired on us with there artillery  So we set down held our position and let these shot and Shells (unclear) over our heads  we had been resting for a short ten minutes  i was talking to one of the boys when one of there Shells exploded about ten feet Back of me and one piece Struck me on the back of my head just below the crown  it tore through part of my cap forcing part of the cloth into my Scull  but of course i did not know this at the time for when i was Struck i was Knocked flat and (unclear) to the earth  but in a few moments i was able to get on my feet again  one of the boys helped me back to the reserve where my wound was dressed by Dr Harlan of our Regt  i was then put into a ambulance and the next day i was put on the Hospital boat where i had a Miserable time of it for 48 hours  on the 18 we arrived at hampton and i was brought to the Chesapeake Hospital where i received the best of care.

i am not confined to my bed  i get my head dressed in the morning  get my Breakfast and walk (unclear) about until dinner time  after dinner i put in the time as best i can and at 5 oclock i have my wound dressed again and then when the bells ring i go to Supper  after Supper i sit in the Setting Room and spend the evening in Reading or talking with my Brother often until nine oclock when we all retire to bed  we have very good comfortable beds  so you see i am not doing very Bad.

Dear Maggie  you spoke in your letter about Sending a box with something in it for my comfort  but Dear Maggie i do not know what i could do with it if you Should send it for i have all i can wish for in the (unclear) of comforts  so a thousand thanks for your kindness but do not send me anything for i am in need of nothing Except some Postage Stamps  you may send me some Stamps if you Please.  but i must now close Give my love to Jane  Mother and all the family and also all inquiring Friends

My Very Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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