The Civil War Letters

Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Virginia

June 27, 1864

Chesapeake Hospital
June 27th 1864

My Dear Wife

I received your kind letter of the 21st and i was very glad to hear from you and to know that you was well.

Dear Maggie  i am getting along firstrate now  my Wound has begun to heal and in a very short time i will be as good as Ever

i am well cared for  my wound gets well dressed twice per day  i have a good bed to lay on and i am just as comfortable as you could wish to see me.  but one thing you must remember  you must not undertake to come down here on no account unless i should send for you because there are no accomodations whatever for Ladies  all the nurses at this Hospital are men and there is not so much as a Public house where any body could put up at and there is no place in the Hospital for in the Room or ward in which i am in 100 beds  and i can tell you if you was to come you would be glad to leave again for it is no pleasant place.  So i hope for my sake you will not come.

Dear Maggie you must not think because i do not want you to come to see me that i love you the less  no Dear Maggie  i love you to well to have you come down here and be exposed to all the inconvenience that you would be exposed to if you Should come down

Dear Wife  rest easy for i tell you the truth that my wound is getting along firstrate and it will very soon be well  and in case it should get worse i will be sure to let you know  i thank god for my narrow Escape  had the Shell Struck me 1/2 inch higher i Should like enough have been under the ground by this time  So Maggie your Prayers saved my life for once for no one but Gods hand Saved me this time  God is our Best friend and he always watches and guards those who love him and put there trust in him  i have thanked god for his mercies to me and i have never gone into a fight yet without asking his Protection and you see he has never deserted me in time of need.

but i will have to bring my letter to a close.  Remember me to Lizzie.  Give my Love to Jane  Mother and all the family

My best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

Lieut Wm Lancaster
Chesapeake Hospital
Fortress Monroe  Va

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