The Civil War Letters

Camp Harlan

September 19, 1861

Camp Harlan
Sept 19th 1861

Dear Maggie,
I write to you to inform you that I am in good health hoping these few lines will find you the same. we left Philadelphia in the 11 ock cars and arrived in Baltimore at half past five oclk Sunday morning  got Breakfast in Baltimore  started for Washington at 12 oclk  we arrived in Washington at four oclk where we was treated to hot coffee and Dry Bread  the coffee was that hot I could not Drink any without Scolding my mouth  after we had finished our good supper we started for the campground which is about 3 miles from Washington  we arrived at the campground about dark and found that no preperation had made for us  we had no tents to sleep in so we all went to work and layed on the bare ground just as we left home in the open Air without Blankets or anything else however I went to sleep but about 12 oclock we was awakned up with rain which was pouring on to us without any mercy but we had to lay or walk about in the rain till it stopped which was near morning when we layed down on the wet ground until daylight  I did not expect but I would caught a bad cold but strange to say I got up in my wet clothes got my Breakfast and felt as if I had been in bed all night. we receved our tents on tuesday afternoon and that made our condition a little better  they are very strict with soldiers down here  we cannot leave our campground on no acount  it is a great place down here for miles around  there is nothing to be seen but tents  there is five Regments of Cavelary encampted close by our camp  I have no more to say at present but I will write again soon  you need not write to me until you receve another letter from me  give my respects to uncle John and his family and all inquiring friends

not forgetting my best love
for you

From Your Affectionate


Wm Lancaster

dont write
till you get another
letter from me



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