The Civil War Letters

Camp Harlan

September 29, 1861

Washington Sept 29th 1861

Dear Wife
I write to you to inform you that I am still injoing good health hoping these few lines will find you the same  we are
still encamped in the same place  we are all getting along firstrate  the weather is pretty nice but it is very Cold nights and mornings with very heavy fogs. yuesterday I was over the hills about 4 miles to where my Brother John is encamped I seen him and he is firstrate as is also Cousin William  the place where they are encamped looks to be out of the world hid away among the mountains. You must excuse me for not writing more in my letter but every thing is so quiet that I have nothing to write about only that we have got all of our horses but no saddles so we have to ride bare back which I can tell you makes us all pretty sore about you know where. this is all at present  give best respects to Jane and Rosey Alley Turner. tell Sarah Dyson to hurry up and write that letter to me  please let me know if sarah has got married yet.

This is all with my best love for You
From Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster



Wm Lancaster
care Capt Hartman
camp Harlan
Washington D.C


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