The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

May 3, 1862

Camp Hamilton May 3d 1862

My Dear Wife

 i received your letter yuesterday and i was very sorry to hear that you had sufferd so much since the berth of our child

but i hope that you will be in good health before long  for Dear Maggie it greves me to know that you have sufferd so much and me away from home  but Dear Maggie i cannot help being from home now

but perhaps i may soon see the time that i will be home with you never more to leave you  for i know Maggie how you must have felt during my absence from you  but never mind  perhaps in the good time coming we may make up for the happyness we have lost and we will love one another Better with being parted so long. Cheer up and i hope these few lines will find you injoying better health then when you wrote the last letter and that the Baby will not be so troblesome

the name you mention for the Child will suit me for i leave the choice to you whatever you call the Child

i have no news to send you  everything about the fort is quiete today. though we hear plenty of noise over by Yorktown  but as yet there has been no hard fighting. but plenty of hard work making Roads throwing up entrenchments and mounting guns. the weather has been very disagreable for this last week  it Rains every day for this last week  i do not know when Dry weather will come but i expect when it does come it will be to Dry and hot. i am still injoying good health and i only wish that you was injoying the same

i have no more to say at present  Give my love to Jane  your Mother and all the family and Kiss the baby for me.  this is all from
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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