The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

March 19, 1862

Camp Hamilton March 19th 1862

My Dear Wife

 i received your letter day before yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as it leaves me at present

everything about here is quiet today  Our Regiment was out on Review this morning and was inspected by Acting Brig Gen Max Weber.

last Monday our company with three other companys of the Rigement was ordered to furnish ourselves with 1 days Ration for man and horse  we was ordered to march until we should meet the enemy  we started early in the morning on the big bethel road  at about two oclock we drove in the enemy mounted pickets  we was then about 1 mile from the Rebel Batteries  so we kept on until we could see the battery facieng us in the Road  when we saw that we turned in through the woods and came out in a large cornfield the same feild which General Pearce was defeated in last spring and where also Leiutenent Greble was killed  when we got into the feild we halted but not more then 3 minutes when they opened fire on us  the first shot was from a rifle cannon  the ball struck the ground about 30 feet from the right of our company

during this time one of Gen Wools ades who was with us took a draft of these batteries and entrenchments which was what we came for  after this was done we wheeled about and started back for camp where we arrived safe and sound just at dusk in the evening.

the weather down here is very severe on our health  just in the middle of the day it is nice and warm but during the night and in the morning it is most Bitter cold and chilly

i have no more news to send you  just maybe i will have some more when i write again  we may make a forward move before long or we may not. as you say you pray to god to spare my life that i may return home safe and sound  i also pray that god will Preserve you in health and happyness until the time comes for me to return home

this is all i have to say at present  give my respects to all of the family and all inquiring friends

And with my sincere love to you i am your
Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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