The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

March 26, 1862

Camp Hamilton March 26th 1862

My Dear Wife

 i received your letter of the 23d and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as it leaves me at present

the weather is very pleasent today and it makes one feel a little cheerful with us having so much Bad weather of late. there is nothing new since i last wrote  last Saturday morning our company went to fox hill on picket Duty where we remained until Sunday night at 6 oclock. So you can see how i spend my Sunday  i dont get a bit of sleep all Saturday night and am Padroling on picket all day Sunday arrived in camp late Sunday night tired and sleepy feed my horse  lay down go to sleep  before you think the night half gone the trumpet sounds the Revelle  so up i get in the morning sleepyer then i was the night before

So it goes and so it will continue until the war is over  which there is no telling how long that will be yet though i think we have got the upper hand of them just now

i have no news to send you just now  all is quiet about here at present. Dear Wife  as you say you think you will have your sickness in April  i want you to be very careful of your self when it does come  Get somebody to attend to you who will be kind and careful of you  if i was at home i would see to that but being that i am away you will have to do the best you can for your self

i was supprised to hear of Amanda Dysons Death  it was very sudden  it appeares she went all at once  So Lafferty will be a young Widdower already. So Joe Fopham has listed in the Navy  i suppose there is very few young men left in West Philadelphia just  i am sorry that poor Sarah Dyson will have to wait 4 years longer for a husband

i have no more to say at present  Charles Atkinson by whome you sent my shirts and Drawers has not arrived yet  i dont know what can detain him for his time was up on Monday last  it would be a great joke if he has Deserted and run away with my shirts and Drawers but he may come yet.  Give My Best respects to your Mother your sister Jane and all of the family and also to my Father and family if you should see them

And with my most
Sincere Love
to you i am
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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