The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

January 31, 1862

Camp Hamilton Jan 31th 1862

My Dear Wife

i received your letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was still in good health as it leaves me at present  though i write i have no news to send you but i thought that i would write for the pleasure of it  for i have no chance of talking to you only by writing to you  you must not think that i will get out of Patiance Reading your letters  and i always am in good cheer when i receive a letter from you  they are always Welcome and you cannot write to often for me

i am glad to hear that you are content for they say that a contented mind is a continual feaist

and i hope that you will always keep in the same good cheer until i reach home which will be sometime maybe sooner than i may expect

the wether about here for the last 3 days has been like spring but this morning a rain storm commenced just as i got my horse saddled up for a scout  but when the storm commenced i had to unsaddle and go to my tent for shelter. this is what is called the rainey season down here  it has rained and sleeted continual for this last 4 weeks without one fair day until last saturday when the sun came out in all its glory once more  but today it has begun the old games again

but as i use to say at home there is always some kind of wether this time of the year. Dear maggie  you pretty near make me home sick when you speak about furnishing a bedroom and going to house keeping and about the happy time that we might have together  but never mind  maybe the happy times will come someday and Maggie you cannot think how i have learned to love you.

but enough of this at present  we will talk these things over when we are once more together

Dear Maggie  i must now close my letter. Give my respects to Jane Your Mother and all of the family and all inquiring Friends

and i am Dear Margreat
Your Affectionate
William Lancaster

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