The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

February 1, 1862

Camp Hamilton Feb 1th 1862

My Dear Wife

i write to you to inform you that i received you letter today with your likeness in it and i was very glad to indeed to see the likeness of your face once more  and i wish that i could only see you in Reality  but i will be content with your picture  Dear Maggie  you look the same dear girl as ever  and i am glad to see you look so well

i was sorry to hear that you was rather unwell but i hope that God will bless you with good health and bear you up through your trials  and god never forsakes those that put there trust in him. but it is no use of me preaching godliness to you for you are a better Christian then i am  but never the less i try to be good and i succeed pretty well in behaving my self  and i think if i take care of my self until the war is over that i will be able to make you a good Husband  but anyhow time will tell. Maggie i forgot to tell you in my last letter that i received two papers from you which was very welcome

i have no news to send you from here  the wether keeps to wet for to do much for this is a wet kind of a month.  Dear Wife  i think that it will be the best for you not to work in the mill any more for between what you have got and what i will be able to send you will be able to keep yourself comfortable  and if you are lonesome you can spend some of your time in writing to me  for it does not matter how long you make your letters i can read them over and over again  i never get out of Patiance i can asure you

Dear Maggie i have tried several times to get my likeness taken to send you but there is no artists about the fort to take liknesses. so i cannot do it at present  but if i ever get a chance i will get it taken and send it to you  i must now close my letter for the present  Give my best respects to all of the family and inquiring Friends

with my very best love to you i am
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Your Affectionate
William Lancaster

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