The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

February 7, 1862

Camp Hamilton Feb 7th 1862

My Dear Wife

i received a letter from you to day and one yuesterday and i am glad to hear that you are still in good health as it leaves me at present  i have no news to send to day  all is quiet about here  there is no sighn of fight or a forward movement yet.

in fact we could not move if we wanted to do for it is up to the knees in mud of the toughest kind  for when you put one foot down you have to stop to pull the other out  i have seen plenty of mud about West Philadelphia but i have not seen it half as bad as it is here  for it is nothing but mud on top of mud

Dear Wife  i am glad to hear that you have done your work and i am glad that you will be content and comfortable though you will have to look out for your self  but you shall have all the aid that i can afford  You and i hope that it will not be a great while before i will be able to come home to you once more a free man  but there is no telling how long it may before that time comes  but when it dose come it will be a happy day to me when i once more i am at home with you  and i think Dear Maggie and i hope that it will be the last time that we will be parted until death

i have no more to say at present

With my very Best love to you
i am Your Affectionate
Husband Wm Lancaster

P.S.  i directed this letter in care of my Uncle because i did not know how to direct it to come to your house  but when you write again please to inform me how i shall Direct the letter so that you will be to get it at the house
Do not forget but write soon
this is all from
W. L

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