The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

January 27, 1862

Head-quarters 11th Penn Cavalry Reg't. Co. E
Camp Hamilton Jan 27th 1862

My Dear Wife.  i received your letter this day and i was very glad to hear that you was in good health as it leaves me at present. i am getting along the same as usal  the wether has cleared up and it is getting a little more plesent then it was

When i last wrote it, it appears that things are getting rather dull about Philadelphia  but Dear Maggie  do not put yourself about for work  it is pretty near time for you to give up work and if i had a been at home i would see that you was cared for. but beeng that i am away from home you will have to take care of your self the best you can. You shall have all that i can do for you at a distance  and when the War is over and we are living happly together we can take care of one and another, for as you say i live in the hope of the good time coming. Dear Maggie  where i lift your likness at my Aunts i never thought that it would be the meanes of causing uneasyness in your mind  as for marrying you for honors sake i can inform you Dear Maggie that i married you for pure love and nothing else  for there was never a person in this world that i loved as i have loved you  and if i have ever acted cooly towards you i loved you none the less for it  must a been my queer ways  but if i ever reach home i will prove to you that i love you as dearly as you love me

so Maggie dear you will please forgive me if i did offend you  for i am sorry for it  but it is all right Maggie for i know you as well as i do my self

Dear Maggie  i have not much to write tonight  You must excuse my short letters but there is no news that i have to send  perhaps when the Roads get dried up and traveling is good you may hear of a forward move further South. the sooner we make the move the better for the war will be so much sooner at an end  and i hope that will not be long if only for your sake  for Maggie i long to be with you

but i must now close my letter  give my best respects Jane and your Mother and all of the family and all inquiring Friends

With my very best love to you
i am Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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