The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

January 1, 1862

Camp Hamilton Jan 1st 1862

My Dear Wife

i take this opportunity of writing to you that i am still in good health and i hope that these few lines will find you the same  i received the Box which you sent me  i received on tuesday afternoon and it was a welcome visitor to me but i am sorry to say that the Bottles of Brandy and wine were all Broke and the liquor was spilt out and there was nothing but broken glass instead of Brandy  but the Bread and the ducks apples and all of the other things where in good order  and they come in firstrate for New Years and i think that you would make a very good cook  we have very poor cooks in our company  and the things you have sent me are so good that i eate them with a relish different from salt junk  Dear Wife  i received a letter from you Yesterday and i was glad that the money i sent you reached you safely  i expect we will have another pay before long  we was musterd for pay on the 31st of last month  i did expect that to get a furlough after New Years but i cannot get one just now for we expect to make a move before long  so i have to give up the notion of a furlough for a while

i have no news to send you but i hope the time is coming when i will need no furlough when i will be my own master again  and who knows but what we may live happy togeather yet  and Dear Maggie  i often think how much i love and how i wronged you by enlisting for the war as i did and to leave you so soon after we where married  but Dear Maggie  i will make up for it when the war is over

for if i live to come home i will not leave you again i can tell you  but this is all i have to say at present

give my best respects to Jane and all of the family

And my best love to you

i am Your
Wm Lancaster

Direct Your Letter
Wm Lancaster
Co E 11th Penna Cavalry
Fortress Monroe  Va

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