The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

January 15, 1862

Fortress Monroe
January 15 1862

My Dear Wife

I Received your kind letter  i forgot the date that i received it all the same

I was very glad to here that you was still enjoying good health as it leaves me at present

We have very severe weather about here just now  it has been snowing and freezing and Raining and it is up to the knees in snow and slush
and we have very severe weather on the health but we have to find a way to fight it out which is all the same  You must excuse my writing today for it is Payday and we have been drinking Whiskey all day
And I am all a little tight  so you must excuse my writing

enclosed you will find 25 dollars in tresurery notes which i send you
and i expect you know what to do with it. the best way you can do with it is for you to get the check exchanged for gold and silver at the mint or at any place which you can  this is all i have to say at present  with my very best love to you my Dear Wife

I Remain Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Please excuse my short letter  but do not forget to write to me as soon as you get this
forever Yours Wm Lancaster
write soon Dear Maggie

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