The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

No Date (End of December After Christmas)

(Note: a significant portion of the edge of each page was missing from the letter. More liberty was taken here to fill in the missing text than in other letters due to the magnitude of the lost text and the fact that the context makes it possible to guess in some of the cases. If a guess could be made, then "---" was used to designate a missing area since there were so many)

Camp Hamilton Near Fortress Monroe

My Dear Wife

I write to you to let you know that I received two letters from you this afternoon and was very to hear that you are still in good health as it leaves me the same
in one of the letters i received 3 dollars that  i will try to make good use of. Your Brother William received a letter at the same time with two dollars. we have not received our pay yet but I have money with me until we do get payed. I belive that the Congress meets at Washington and I hope be done to settle this affair with the --- let us go in and finish it with fighting the Rebels  for I should think that the people of the army are going to get tired of this sort of work for it is no trade at all except with the government
write again please to let me know how it is in philadelphia and wether there is many opportunities for employment  for according to accounting --- very dull and I think this will --- the poor unless there is something --- trade and now that Christmas is past I want to be with you so that --- to gether but I guess that --- as you said in your letter that --- not now like what they use to be --- for instead of going across the lot --- night with you i have to content myself --- at 9 oclock and spread my Blanket --- and lay down  I remain awake thinking about the many happy hours we have spent together and I oftern think that I have done very wrong --- self by enlisting for the War which i --- God will forgive me and spare --- to my Wife that we have live happy --- when we are both together  it would --- happyer copple for since I have been --- to love you dearer then any thing on this earth and i believe that no one could --- you do and if the first days of --- seem dark our latter days may be --- which I pray to God they will. You must --- home sick but at the same time --- was up for i would much rather --- with you then fighting for Uncle Sam --- difference to me wether Jeff Davis --- that i was paid of and sent home --- must wait until the war is over --- never mind it will be a happy --- in West Philadelphia (missing and garbled) and we will all --- again. i have no more to say. there is been no fighting down here --- here except once in awhile the ships --- in the Harbor sail out in the bay and --- Sewells point and the rebels fire a --- but there is generaly no damage done  i --- sewells point from our camp  it is --- bay about 1 miles of and we can see it in a spie glass  we can also see cragy --- the Rebels have a large battery of guns. --- and it would cost a great many lives --- the Rebels for they are a great deal stronger --- they are  but enough of this  I must --- letter or you will get out of Patiance

Give my best wishes to Dan Hosey

Give my best Respects to your Jane --- Rosey and all of the family  Ally --- and all inquiring friends. with my ---

I Remain Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Wm Lancaster
care capt Hartman Co F
Harlans Cavalry
Fortress Monroe Va

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