The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton (Fortress Monroe)

December 22, 1861

Camp Hamilton
Fortress Monroe
Dec 22d 1861

My Dear Wife

i received your kind letter dated the 19th and I was very glad to hear from you and to know that you was still injong good health as it leaves me at present  i will inform you what i have got over my Disapointment at not getting my furlough  but i was very angrey when i wrote the last letter to you  but perhaps it was all for the best for god knows all things and acts according. and after all it may be all for the best and i hope that it is  i expect that you will be al disapointed but it cannot be helped now  and i will inform you dear Maggie that i would a gave any things that is in my power if i could only (garbled) for (garbled) so that i can think of nothing else but you Maggie  i cannot tell you how dearly i have learned to love you. i love you so well that it makes me home sick some times and often makes me wish that i was at home  and i do not think that i would care how long this war would last if it was not for the love i have for you  but be of good cheer for the good time coming
Dear wife  you must excuse me for my last letter for i was in very bad humor when i wrote it. but i have got cheerful to day and i will try to forget the Disapointment of not coming home at Christmas.

i do not know but what that i may get a chance to come home after new Year but if i dont get home in two weeks i will send you my money by adams express  but i will come if i can get  for i would love to see you if only for 1 week

i received a letter from my Father yesterday in which he informed me that he gave up his job at Reading and that he was coming to Philadelphia to see if he could hunt up a job about the city
So i belive he is going to leave old Berks at last. he said that Sister Margaret was still weaving in the mill. so i hope that he will meet with a good steady job for him and the family,   i am sorry to say that the job that i have got at present is to steady for me at present  in fact i am afraid it will last me longer that i care about  but i guess it is all in my life time at anyrate  i will have to make the best of it anyhow
i have not much more to say at present  Give my respects to Jane  Mother and all of the family and all inquiring Friends

and with my very best love to you my Dear Wife

i am
Wm Lancaster

when you write if you can please send in the letter one Postage stamp and you will oblidg
Your Husband
Wm Lancaster

Wm Lancaster
care Capt Hartman Co E
11th Penn Cavalry
Fortress Monroe

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