The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

December 22, 1861

Camp Hamilton Dec 22d 1861

Dear Wife . i have sent you thirty one dollars by Adams express and you will have to go to Adams express office to get it. it is in a envelope. Directed to Mrs Margaret Lancaster West Philadelphia
if they ask you any questions about it tell them that i am a corporel in co E 11th Pennsylvania Regt of Cavalry and that i am your Husband  so you must look out and mind that you get it  the money is in treasury notes but you can get gold for it anywhere  it is as good as gold

You can get it with out any (missing) but you must go for it your self because they will not give it to any one else but you as they are very particuler about who they give the money to.

And i want you to write to me as soon as you get the money and let me know that you have got it
this is all i have to say at present

with my very best love to my Dear Wife  i am Your

Affectionate Husband

Wm Lancaster

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