The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

December 14, 1861

Camp Hamilton Dec 14th, 1861

My Dear Wife - i received your letter yesterday and was very glad to hear that you was well and in good health as it leaves me at (missing)  i am in very bad humor to day  our Captain served me a very bad trick about two weeks ago  i whent to the captain and asked him for a furlough to come to Philadelphia and he promised that he would give me one on the 17th of this month  and i got one made out ready for him to sighn but this morning when i asked the captain to sighn it he refused to do so but he gave a furlough two other men to day so you can see how i am treated by our good captain  i have done my duty to him since i have been here and this is what i get for it  but i swear that if i live my time out and i should chance to meet our captain in Philadelphia i will settle up old accounts with him if i have to turn him upside down to do it  i cannot write much to day for i cannot tell you how much i am vexed and Disapointed  for i was sure that our Captain was a man of his word  but he is nothing but a Scoundrel when he has the best side out  but i must put up with it i suppose  but i will drop the (missing) now  i guess i will get over my Disapointment (missing) days  i did expect to see you and (missing) on Christmas but never mind  perhaps it is all for the best at any rate  it will have to be so

i am sorry that i have not wrote a more cheerful letter but i am vexed that i can do nothing to day  so you can please excuse this poor letter but it's the best i can write at present

Give my respects to your Jane and mother and all of the family and all inquiring Friends

i will close with my best love to you my Dear Wife

From Your Affectionate Husband

William Lancaster

Wm Lancaster
care Captain Hartman
co E Harlans Cavalry
Fortress Monroe

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