The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

April 26, 1862

Camp Hamilton April 26th 1862

My Dear Wife

 i received your letter today  i also received one from Your Sister Jane in which she told me of your confinement and you giving birth to a Daughter and stating that you was as well as could be expected  i was very glad to hear from you today and i hope when you receive this letter you will be much better  i would very much like to come home and see my little Daughter but i cannot for the present  there is no getting a furlough just now nor there will not be any granted until there has been some fighting at Yorktown  Yorktown must be taken before the Soilders will have any liberty. but Dear Maggie  you must not be Lonesome  try and be cheerful and keep up your spirits  i do not think that it will be a great while before i shall be able to come home to you at last. Hope so.

Dear Wife  i have not much to say tonight  it is getting late  but Dear Maggie if my letter is short i love you better than i ever did and if i live to come home i will prove it to you

You mention about the childs name  i will leave that to You  You can call it any name you think best  what ever name will suit you will suit me  So i will leave it to your Choice whatever you call the little Darling. I received the Postage Stamps

everything is quiete about here today  the Battle of Yorktown has not come of yet but it may so before long

this is all i have to say at present

Give my love to Sister Jane  Your Mother and all the family and with my
Very Best Love to You
i am Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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