The Civil War Letters

Bowers Hill, Virginia

August 3, 1863

Bowers Hill Aug 3d 1863

My Dear Wife

Our Regiment arrived in camp last night after being absent for ten days  we was on a Raid through north Carolina and we have had a very severe time of it  we had pretty Hard marching but we lived well for we had the best to eate that the sesish (???) had and i think we made up for what they gained in Pennsylvania  we captured a great many Rebel Soilders lots of horses and wagons and all the Hams Chickens Preserves whiskey wine and everything else that was eatable

we crossed the Chowan River at Winton and from there we went to Murfreesboro and from Murfreesboro to Jackson  and 3 miles from Jackson we was checked by a Gen Ranson with his North and South Carolina Briggades  we had a short fight with him in which we had 3 Killed and severl wounded  the Rebs had a heavy loss in Killed  but being that we had nothing but cavalry we could not take the Place  during the time we was out we had very severe weather  one half the time it Rained and the other half it was so hot that when we wanted to fry a peice of Ham all we had to do was to cut a peice of and Hold it in the sun for five minutes and it would be cooked  i am burned so black with the sun that you could not tell me from a smoked Ham  and if the weather does not get cooler i will melt away and all that will be left of me will be a small greace spot

Dear Wife  i received your letter and i was very glad to hear that you was well and in good health as this leaves me injoying the best of health at present.  i was very glad to hear that Mr Han Dyson Kirk and Co had been Drafted for i think a little Soildering will do them a little good.  Dear Maggie  i Forgot to mention that i received the Sunday Dispatch when i received your last letter for which i am much oblige

i have nothing further to add at present  Give My Love to all the family

My Very Best Love to you My Dear Wife

 i am as Ever Your
Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Plese, send me a few Postage Stamps and oblige Yours  Wm Lancaster

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