The Civil War Letters

White House, Virginia

June 29, 1863

Pumonkey River near White house Va June 29th 1863

My Dear Wife

i write to inform you that i am well and in good health and i hope these few lines will find you and Lizzie injoying the same Blessing.  i have had a pretty rough time of it since i last wrote to you  we left Suffolk a week ago last Saturday and marched to Portsmouth where got on Board of Transports and whent to Yorktown  from we whent to West Point and from there we was landed at the White house on the Pinesula  as soon as we was landed our Rigement started on a Raid towards Richmond  and we met with very good success  we was three days out  we had a couple of fights  the hardest one was at South Anna Bridge  at this place we took 100 Prisoners  at Hanover Court house we captured a large Wagon train  about 1000 horses and mules and as many nigros  Burned 3 Railroad Bridges  cut the Richmond and Fredericksburg telagraph and Burned the bridge  and i think we have done them as much harm as they have done in Pennsylvania

We was all around the Rear of Richmond.  our loss in the Raid was about 6 Killed and ten wounded  Private Simms of our company was shot through the leg  i do not know what will be the next move but i have a notion that there will be a Killing time of it this summer

My Dear Wife  i have not much to write to day  i have no pen or ink and i am obliged to write with a very Poor Pensil  i may not have another chance of writing to you for some time  but you must not be uneasy for i will write every chance i get.  the weather has been very wet ever since we left Suffolk but we have to put up with wet as well as dry

Dear Maggie  (indecipherable) know where i will  (indecipherable) days but  (indecipherable)

Dear Wife  when you see my Father tell him that i am  (indecipherable) where i am and give my love to him.  this is all i have to say at present  Give my love to Jane  your Mother and all the Family

My Very Best Love to you My Dear Wife
 i am as ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Direct your letters to
William Lancaster
Company E
11th Pa Cavalry  7th Army Corps
White House  Va

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