The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

October 27, 1862

Suffolk Va Oct 27th 1862

My Dear Wife

i received your letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you are still injoying good health as this leaves me at present

we have just returned from the Blackwater where we have been for two days  we left Camp on Thursday and we got back to Camp on Sunday night pretty well tired out  we crossed the Blackwater and captured the Rebel pickets some good horses and come back by way of Zuni  we had no loss whatever but we had a pretty tough journey of it

everything about Suffolk is quiete at present  the weather today is Rainey with a strong wind which makes it very uncomfortable  but we manage to get along and live. You was asking about Your Brother William  he is first rate and injoying good health  he continues to grow  he is taller then i am is attentive to his duty and is a good Soilder

Soildering seems to agree with him first rate  he often speaks of home  he is pretty much the same boy he ever was  Tom McClintock and all of the West Philadelphia Boys are well and in the Best of health

Dear Maggie  i have not much to say to day  i Received one Dollar in the letter you sent me  i think i have as much as will last me until Pay Day which will be about next month the tenth

Give My Respects to Your Mother   Jane and all the Family and all inquiring Friends

i aint Forgot little Lizzie

My very Best Love to You i am Your
Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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