The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

May 29, 1862

Suffolk Va May 29th 1862

My Dear Wife

i take this oppertunity of writing to you to inform you that i am still injoying good health and i hope these few lines will find you injoying the same. i wrote a letter to you last Tuesday week informing you where i was but as yet i have received no letter in answer  i thought perhaps you had not got the letter  i have been waiting for a letter from you all week but as yet i have not received one

we have had pretty hard time of it since we have been at this place  i have been on Scout and Picket Duty every other day since we have been here  i have just came in from a Scout to Somerton on the Boarders of North Carolina about 23 miles from this place  the Captain and me and 30 men started of Yuesterday at noon for Somerton and after a teidous journey through woods and swamps we arrived there just about 8 oclock in the evening

Somerton is a nice little Village of about 200 inhabitants but we found that all of the Rebel Soilders had gone from there  i suppose to Richmond  being that we was a little tired we tied our horses along the fence and gave them some corn and then we made a fire and got a pot and made some coffee for a late supper  after we had supped our coffee and having the Guards fixed i spred my india Rubber Blanket which you sent me on the wet ground for it had been Raining in the afternoon  So with the rubber blanket under me and my Gray Blanket over me and my canteen for a pillow and the heavy dew falling in my face i soon fell asleep  and i Dreamed of home and of My Dear Wife and i thought that i was once more at home  and Maggie you do not know how happy i felt though laying on the wet ground  and Dear Maggie i often have such Dreams of home that it makes me almost long for the happy time that we once more shall meet to part no more on this earth

Dear Wife  as yet we have not received our two months pay which is due us but we may receive it before long

When you write again let me know if there is any important news in the papers for since i have been here i have nether seen a news paper or heard any news what ever  so you see we are quite out of the world for news at present

Dear Wife  I have not much more to say  if you should see my Father Please to tell him that i am well and also where i am at present. in your next letter Please to send me a few more Postage Stamps and you will oblidge me very much for there is none to be got about this place

this is all i have to say at present  give my respects to your Sister Jane  Your Mother and all of the family and all inquiring Friends

and with my most sincere Love for You
i am
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Direct your letters for me to Fortress Monroe the same as usal

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