The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

August 13, 1862

Suffolk Va Aug 13th 1862

My Dear Wife

i write to inform you that i am still injoying good health and i hope these few lines will find you injoying the same Blessing

i wrote to you on saturday and sent you 25 dollars which i suppose you have received before this  our pay days are far apart and not much when they do come. i wish that i could do more for you in the money line but we will have to get along the Best we can until the war is over.

i received the likeness which you sent me some two or 3 months ago  i received it week before last and i think it is a very pretty likeness  the baby looks so very pretty and your likeness is very good and just looks like you.

Yuesterday i received the Box you sent me  Your Brothers Box came with it. My Box was laying at Suffolk for nearly one week  all of the Bread Cake  Baloney cheese and eatables was spoiled except the jar of Pairs was very good and the Blackberries was good and Brandy was all right  everything was safe and sound except what the hot weather has spoiled  the Likeness that was in the Box was a splendid picture of you  the Best likeness i ever saw of you  it is just your very image of you. our child looks very pretty in the likeness and i think from what i have seen from the likeness that Lizzie is a splendid child and you do not know how much i long to see Both the Mother and Daughter  and perhaps it may not be such a long time until we shall meet again. i hope the war will soon be over for i would like to spend next Christmas at home and i think if the war is rushed through the war will be over by that time

the weather is very hot down here at present and they say it takes the fat out of the Boys is a caution  we have been keept pretty Busey since we have been at this place  we make about 3 Scouts per week  some times we are out for 24 hours and some for 72 hours at a time  and what with the heat of the sun and Dust of the Roads we Suffer considerable  it is a great Deal hotter than working in the Dyehouse  Yuesterday we returned from a Scout to Canville Near Blackwater on the Petersburg Road. everything about Suffolk is quiete at present  i suppose there is a lively time Recruiting in Philadelphia  i guess some of the people dont much like the drafting for 300,000 more men but they cant Back out now  this war has got to be Rushed through and they must come

i have no news to send. i am very thankful to you for the likeness  of sending those things which i sent for  they are just what suits me  they are all good and well made  when you write again let me know all the West Phila News and tell me how little Lizzie is coming on for i Realy do think a great deal of our child  also let me know how you are getting along and how you are situated at present

this is all i have to say at present

Give my Respects to your Mother   Jane and all of the family  also Remember me to my Father and Family

and with my most Sincere Love To You
i am Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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