The Civil War Letters

Prince George, Bermuda Hundred, Virginia

September 13, 1864

Headquarters Co E. 11th Pa Cav on Picket nr Prince George Courthouse
Sept 13th 1864

My Dear Wife

I received your kind letter of the 5th and i was very glad to hear that you was improving in health  i hope that both the Pain and the cold will leave you and i hope that when i hear from you again that you will be injoying the very best of health.  i am getting along firstrate  i am still at my old job on Picket.  the wether is begining to change  it is getting to be very cool at nights and it is rather unplesent laying on the damp ground without any shelter

i often think how happy i might now be with my Dear Wife if it had not been for that commission  but you know what Pride and ambition will cause one to do Sometimes.  and what is done cannot be helped  so you know that i shall make the best of it.  there is no doubt but that we shall both live a long and happy life togather yet.  and i hope to god that we shall.

Dear Maggie  i have no news to Send  i hope this will find you and Lizzie and all the family injoying the Best of health as it leaves me at present  Give my love to Jane  Mother and all the family

My Very Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

Lieut Wm Lancaster
11th Pa Cavalry Co E.
City Point Va.

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