Other Letters

To William from Maggie

West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

March 26, 1865

West Philadelphia Sunday Eveing

My Dear Husband

I write these few lines to inform you that I am still living though not verry well at present

Dear william  I do not know what your feelings was when we parted at the depot but for myself I thought my verry heart would breeck and since than I have not had heart for anything  I try to keep a bold front but it is hard work  but I hope we will live to see the time when thare will be no partings

william  i had a grate many things I had intended to ask you but my heart was to full  I knew if I should begin to talk to you I should have brock down and as I did not want to make you feel any worse than you did I sade nothing to you  I was going to ask you to write as soon as you got to camp but that I know you will do without asking as your letters now will be the only consolation that I will have  I hope you will write oftin

I know that I out to be thankful that you got home and so I am but the time of parting is hard to bare and Dear Husband poor little Lizzie makes me feel your abance for thar is not a knock at the door but she says it papa  I knows she is looking for you coming all the time but she will look in vine for you  this time last sunday eving I was happay in your company and tonight your are in the front of the enamy  but this time will come to an end  but I will bring this to a close as I do not want to intrud so soon after your arival in camp  if I have writen to soon you will plese excuse me for if I have a weke point it is in loveing you  for william I have loved you with both heart and Soul  I only wish I loved my God as I love you  I would be sure to go to hevein  but I will close with my love to you

I am as ever your loving Wife
Maggie Lancaster

March 26th 1865

P.S you forgot your strap but I will send it to you when I send your slippers
M. Lancaster

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